Ceramah Zul Nordin ,Mursyidul Am TIBAI, & Perkosa dikepung penduduk kampung di SMK Guar Perahu.. suasana di luar lebih ramai dari dalam.. sbb kena kepung.UMNGOK-Be End semakin terdesak..Sambil mengedarkan seratus ribu risalah fitnah...mereka cuba mengetest market.. Zul Kulim menjadi ayam tambatannya.. Modalnya seperti biasa tak lain tak bukan memburuk-burukkan DSAI..Tapi dia silap tempat..katak kurap sepertinya cuba masuk ke kandang harimau...
Setiap patah perkataan yang diucapkannya disahut dengan laungan "Takbir" dan "Reformasi" oleh penduduk yang rata-ratanya penyokong kuat PR.. Tak sempat habis dia berucap penduduk yang hilang sabar mendesak dia berhenti...
Kepungan dan pekikan orang ramai mengiring berambusnya sang katak UMNGOK ini.. Tambah menjadi kemarahan penduduk ialah UMNGOK menggunakan Dewan Besar SMK Guar Perahu.. Asal BN semua boleh... tapi kali ini boleh lingkup.diberitakan juga polis telah menangkap 1 orang menyokong Pakatan Rakyat, punduduk kampung tidak mahu berganjak dari mengepong zul dan pengikutnya selagi pemuda itu dibebaskan...difahamkan 3 lori fru dikerah ke tempat kejadian seawal majlis bermula...

Dato Sri Ir Mohd Zin Mohamed
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‘Direct line’ to Selangor Barisan
WITH just one call, the public can channel problems plaguing their respective constituencies to the Selangor Barisan National.
Fully operational since April 9 last year, the Selangor Barisan People’s Service Centre (Pusat Khidmat Rakyat Barisan Nasional Selangor or Pakar) was established as an avenue for those in the state to forward their complaints.
The service, which aims to enhance interaction between Selangor Barisan and the public, forwards complaints, enquiries and feedback to Barisan MPs, assemblymen and constituency coordinators.
Centre manager Karen Kaur said the centre had helped to bridge the gap between the public and party leaders.
“The response has been encouraging and Pakar has helped party leaders understand the problems faced by the people, through their suggestions and feedback.
“Some of the issues frequently brought up by the residents are uncollected rubbish, water supply disruption, clogged drains, faulty streetlights and overgrowth as well as matters concerning public welfare, housing scheme, education, government departments and natural disaster.
“Some even ask about job opportunities or legal services,” she said.
She added that the centre has received 32,973 calls since it first opened, 39% of those were complaints and 45% were enquiries about various matters.
Watching over: Karen Kaur supervising one of the staff members taking a call at the centre.
The remaining calls were enquiries about their voting centres.
Karen Kaur said that out of the 39% of complaints (12,859 calls), the centre had resolved 78% (10,030 cases).
In February, the centre recorded 4,853 calls, the highest number of calls in a month.
Most of the complainants are from the Klang, Kota Raja, Kapar, Shah Alam and Subang parliamentary constituencies.
The centre, which was the brainchild of Selangor Barisan coordinator Datuk Seri Mohd Zin Mohamad, is operated by two teams totalling 30 staff members.
One team handles complaints, enquiries and feedback while the other team focuses on channelling complaints and messages to the respective Barisan leaders.
Karen Kaur said the multi-racial staff at the centre were able to converse in whichever language the complainants were most comfortable with.
“The peak hours at the centre are usually between noon and 3pm and after 6pm daily. Those unable to reach us can leave a voice message and staff members will call them back,” she said.
Karen Kaur said they ensured services were efficient.
“After receiving a complaint, a team will visit the site to see the problem for themselves and then channel it to the relevant authorities.
“The team will follow up until the problem is resolved and will inform the complainant about it as well,” she said.
Retiree Mohd Zain Md. Nor, 59, who has lived in Semenyih for 40 years, said he was satisfied with the services provided by the centre.
“I complained about the faulty streetlights and undergrowth in Jalan Sungai Lalang, Semenyih last year and action was taken to set things right,” he said.
Another complainant, Mohd Sani Musa, 41, said services provided by the centre was efficient.
“I informed the centre about the pothole-ridden roads at Landpac Industrial Park in Port Klang last month and there was quick action taken to resolve the problem,” he said.
Another complainant, who wished to remain anonymous, said he had called to ask about financial aid provided by the Welfare Department and the centre had helped him to apply for it.
“I am thankful to the centre for providing this service,” he said.
To reach Pakar, call 1300-22-2626. The centre is open from 9am to 9pm on weekdays and 9am to 6pm on weekends.

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