Apakah tujuan di sebalik saranan itu? Apakah UMNO menafikan perbuatannya tapi mendesak masyarakat menonton filem demikian. Berakhlakkah Ahmad Maslan? Persoalannya adakah Ahmad Maslan juga sudah menonton filem lucah demikian?
Jika demikian perilaku seorang pemimpin UMNO, apatah sudah melihat filem lucah tersebut, maka tidak hairanlah jika Ahmad Maslan juga seorang yang seronok melayari filem-filem lucah lain. Moralnya, inikah status kredibiliti seorang calon dalam UMNO. Seorang yang suka menonton filem lucah?
Pandangan orang yang beriman dan tahu batas-batas agama, tidak mungkin menyuruh rakyatnya berbuat perkara tersebut. Sedangkan sebelum ini dengan penuh dabik dada, Ahmad Maslan kata UMNO adalah sebuah parti yang mempertahankan Islam, memperjuangkan Islam. Hakikatnya apakah Islam mengajar umatnya supaya menonton filem lucah???
Jelas sekali bahawa UMNO hanyalah sebuah parti yang hanya mampu menjatuhkan musuh politiknya, walau dengan memaksa rakyat melakukan 'dosa' dengan melihat filem lucah. Ahmad Maslan patut malu dengan kenyataan sebagaimana yang dilaporkan oleh bernama seperti di bawah. Jika tidak malu maka sebenarnya menyerlahkan lagi bahawa UMNO memang dalang dalam pembikinan filem tersebut dan Ahmad Maslan adalah promoternya. Tidak begitu?

MALACCA: Umno has denied the party is involved with a video grab showing explicit act resembling a political figure with a male partner.
Information chief Ahmad Maslan said the opposition will certainly blame Umno but the party had never arranged such perverse act in a hotel room.
“The opposition thinks everything is the work of Umno including the intrusion of Lahad Datu. We don’t have the time to put cameras in hotel rooms,” he told reporters after opening a briefing for information speakers here today.
He said this when commenting on a video grab showing two men involved in explicit act, including hugs and kisses, on the blog rajagoyang360.blogspot.com.
The Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department said the people could judge who was the political figure shown in the video recording.
“Don’t dismiss without watching the video. Watch it and then make your own judgement,” he added.
Meanwhile, Ahmad called on the Umno and Barisan Nasional machinery to have confidence that the party could win two-thirds majority in 13th general election.
The confidence was based on the success of programmes and policies implemented by the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
He said the opposition did not have any strength and had failed to fufill promises made to the people other than having leaders who were involved with various scandals.
Yesterday, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim lashed out at Umno’s “political gimmick” in producing a video clip involving a man resembling him.
“I have already said that I deny it. This is a disgusting political gimmick executed by Umno,” he said, adding that he has asked his lawyers to handle the possibility of taking legal action against the bloggers who uploaded the series of 14 black-and-white photos.

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